Get to know our product for your smart factory: Esyair

Our automatic storage and suspended part transport for your Smart Factory is called Esyair.

You can find all the Esyair details here, but today we are going to talk about when and how the idea was born and why it is one of the best products in automatic intralogistics management.

woman clicking a button with esyair

The idea was born in 2015 when the concept of Industry 4.0 began to be used in the automotive sector, and some of our clients asked us for more technological solutions for the storage and transport of their products within their plant.

Also, many clients told us about the need to monitor and manage their stock remotely and obtain real-time information on their production process. And, of course, we always pay attention to our clients needs. We got down to work!

Virtual simulation is one of the possibilities that we can implement, brings an interesting advantage to our Esyair: it is tested and validated during the design phase. It allows optimizing its behaviour before its installation on plant.

We have even improved client expectations, since Esyair can be applied with Esypro’s own software to manage the information from mobile devices.

We can also integrate into other MES systems, adapting our environment to what you need. Esyair offers the perfect tool to turn your plant into a Smart factory.

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