Growing since 1987
To contextualize the creation of Esypro we need to look back to the formation of the business group. Our company was established in 1987, when José Luis Froiz -the founder of Esypro- decided to create an entity focused on carrying out studies on how to improve multisectoral productivity.
With scarce resources and starting from scratch, Froiz commenced Esypro activities designing, manufacturing, and installing machinery and tools for the local industry. Thus, bus body builders, pots manufacturers, carpenter’s workshops and aluminum suppliers requested our services and trusted us to improve their production processes.
Two years later Froiz discovered a new market niche: natural stone. Noting that the quarrying industry did not have the necessary infrastructure and machinery, we began to design and manufacture specific machinery for the Stone sector under the name Esyteg.
Specialization is the basis of our growth
Creation of the group
After observing the necessity of implementing productivity improvements in the automotive sector, we intensify our specialization in this field in 1992, when we created our first automated warehouse for an OEM. By the end of this decade, given the increasing demand for these and other automated systems, we advocated for establishing strong collaboration agreements with the university. This way, we made sure we acquired the necessary knowledge and know-how to offer the best solutions in the field of automation.
This stage laid the foundation for the JLFROIZ Group, set up in the early 2000s. Its objective was to create different business lines that had their own identity and autonomy, which by then were three:
- ESYTEG: Quarrying sector
- ESYMAN: Automotive sector
- ESYCONTROL: Multi-sectoral system engineering
A strategic key axis
R + D + i Department
Generation of our own product

Research and innovation are part of Esypro’s DNA – “they are the basis of our survival”Javier Froiz, CEO.
Creation of Esypro
Logistics and process engineering
The global economic crisis that took place at the end of the 2000s, particularly intense in the construction industry, had an impact on the quarrying sector demand. Adapting to the new scenario, we made the decisión to move away from this sector, unifying our resources and reorganizing our companies into one: Esypro.
Having new capacities, Esypro continued developing the product and further especializing, if posible, on hanging parts internal logistics systems, both manual and fully automated.

Esypro México
We are the Mexican subsidiary of Esypro. Esypro Mexico is located in the heart of the country’s automobile industry and it was created to provide coverage over the North American market (Canada, United States and Mexico), which produces more than 18% of the world’s vehicles.
Being a young and dynamic multidisciplinary team, we provide the know-how of our more than 30 years of experience, as well as the cultural and geographical proximity that our American clients need. We guarantee the quality and reliability of an European product designed and manufactured using the best technology, taking firm steps in the growth of the subsidiary
Shall we take the next step together?
All lines of business of the group -including Esypro- are mostly supported by Galician, familiar capital, and not participated by any investment group. The development of innovative products, the reliability and low need for maintenance of our products, the commitment to the international market or the advice and comprehensive service we offer to our customers are just some of the characteristics that have made Esypro a leading global company in the hanging piece logistics system with a presence in the main OEM and Tier1 in the automotive sector.