Today we are going to tell you a real case about a client and you are going to love it!
Let’s go! We travel to Brazil to visit the Renault plant in Curitiba.
This plant was built in 1998 and it is one of the most important plants of the Renault group in South America.
Our client, OEM located in Curitiba, required the transport of the left and right part of the Doublure. Take into account that this factory works 24/7 in 3 different shifts. They also have an important saturation of systems at all levels of the plant.

We accepted the challenge and two symmetrical turnkey Esyconveyor Power & Free were installed.

The robot load is fed directly from the conveyor. The Esyconveyor, to avoid obstructing an aisle, goes down with an inflection to the reach of the robot and the unloading is carried out with elevators that position the part so that the operator can pick it up using a manual handler.
Only one type of hook, symmetrical, has been designed for the 4 different references that had to feed the production line. All this in a reduced time of 49 seconds for loading by robot and 71 seconds for manual unloading.

The assembly was a challenge, since both conveyors share the pedestrian platform and 100% of the structure is attached to the ceiling in an intricate space with numerous existing systems. But the efforts worth it, because we reached objectives and helped our client to improve their production process.